210 похожих чатов

Enjoy the #DeFiChain tokenomics with fresh numbers from not even

two hours! :) Today we have some relaxed music, because it seems to have relaxed a bit this month. Have fun!


5 ответов

4 просмотра

Hi thanks for this great vidéo, something that intrigues me is this:

Hi thanks for the great analysis! Something that intrigues me though is this indicator. How could the gateway amount of Dusd have decreased if as far as I know it’s not in any CEX? Can someone explain it pls?

Michael aus Lönneberga- Автор вопроса
Benjamin OM
screenshot Hi thanks for the great analysis! Something that i...

This is not an analysis, just a graphical presentation of the numbers. :) The dUSD Gateway Liquidity shows the TVL of the pairs of dUSD when you want to exchange your dUSD. You can see the figures here: https://www.defichain-analytics.com/liquidityMining?entry=tvl ( e.g. dUSD-DFI only DFI Part ) But great feedback, I'll make this clearer next time so people understand what this means.

Michael aus Lönneberga- Автор вопроса
Benjamin OM
screenshot Hi thanks for the great analysis! Something that i...

This is not an analysis, just a graphical presentation of the numbers. :) The dUSD Gateway Liquidity shows the TVL of the pairs of dUSD when you want to exchange your dUSD. You can see the data here: https://www.defichain-analytics.com/liquidityMining?entry=tvl ( e.g. dUSD-DFI only DFI Part ) But great feedback, I'll make this clearer next time so people understand what this means. Thanks!

Michael aus Lönneberga
This is not an analysis, just a graphical presenta...

Well, presented as such it is an analysis 🙂 but please tell me what does this 29 % decrease mean then? It is a decrease in TVL? 🤔

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