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Can we start BBB again? Since we stopped it dusd

is getting wrecked

4 ответов

5 просмотров

Keep in mind that a rising DFI price is also good for the dUSD.

Keep in mind that a rising DFI price is also good ...

Thats true except that dusd is crashing faster than DFI is increasing but honestly is better if dusd gets as close to zero as possible

The thing that still dont understand is apparently BBB caused indirect sell pressure and now that is off there is less selling but all those rewards that would have been sold, now are accumulating and will be given to the new LM pools which most likely will sell them to compensate the IL risk, so that means there will be the same selling than it was with BBB

Roger Dawn
The thing that still dont understand is apparently...

Even if there is technically no direct reason, the psychology of the masses that evtl instead of price down soon price up comes and already nothing more is sold. 🤷🏼‍♂️ can then just as quickly turn in the other direction if any expectations are not met or shoot up to $50 because other expectations are met. I guess you just have to stop trying to understand why some things happen - they just do.

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