209 похожих чатов

@Shirlyvalge what’s going on with Alex and the new management? When

can we expect to see some actions?

32 ответов

25 просмотров

Wait for an official announcement please

Brahim Ben
We trust you

Are Twitter/instagram posts considered official? We’ve had some posted here that involve velas, I guess it’s not a statement from velas just from a staff members personal pages

Shirly Valge
Wait for an official announcement please

Shelly finally spoke, and hope came.

ws nb
Shelly finally spoke, and hope came.

I would have been happier with silence, then when ready sharing happy News, not just saying to wait moaaaarrrrrr Telegram communities are the first line of supporters, active diggers of info and should be appreciated. Twitter fans get it Easier, able to check posted tweets, instead of all the work we do reading pages and pages of chat logs for sweet sweet alpha. Here we have to be on the same page, reading every single comment of the team and fans alike. I hope the announcement is here first, not Twitter or instagram

ws nb
Shelly finally spoke, and hope came.

3 words per month??? this is not acceptable it is not serious.

Mortimer Mortimer
3 words per month??? this is not acceptable it is ...

I am hopeful, even restructuring is building in a bear market, and I’m optimistic


Tok-tok Sinclair- Автор вопроса
ws nb
Are you okay, Sherry?

Who the hell is Sherry 🤣

Tok-tok Sinclair
Who the hell is Sherry 🤣

One of the core members of the team, the chief operating officer!

Shirly Valge
Wait for an official announcement please

Hello, Shirley! All waiting for the official announcement! Whatever the outcome, don't let the community wait too long!

Michael Cooley
Wait until tomorrow

Your explanation is very good, and you can never wait for the result!

When will the news be released?

As soon as they need to get more users money

Shirly Valge
Wait for an official announcement please

Hello, Shirley! When will the so-called official announcement be issued?

Shirly Valge
Wait for an official announcement please

When? Is the team dead? The website is no longer working

Wen ser?

She is no longer in velas

Wen ser?

i think shirley not velas any more



Shirly Valge
Wait for an official announcement please

is you quiting the oficial anoucing ?

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