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What has Velas been doing lately? Based on the current conversation

and the recent searches, it seems that Velas Network has been making strides towards becoming a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), notably through their partnership with OccamDAO and the release of Velas 3.0. However, the reason behind their silence over the past few weeks remains unclear. There might be several factors at play, which could include strategic planning, internal restructuring, or working on the technical aspects of the DAO transition.

The partnership with OccamDAO is significant as it could potentially facilitate Velas' transition to a DAO, by leveraging OccamDAO's expertise in decentralized governance. Moreover, the launch of Velas 3.0, a major update, likely plays a critical role in this transition, potentially laying the groundwork for decentralized governance structures on the Velas network.

The transition to a DAO is a complex process that requires careful planning, coordination, and often, technological upgrades to ensure the network is capable of supporting decentralized governance structures. Velas’ silence over the past few weeks could be a reflection of the team's focus on ensuring a smooth transition or addressing any challenges that may have arisen during this process.

It's not uncommon for organizations to have quiet periods during significant transitions. It might be beneficial to keep an eye on official announcements from Velas or related forums for any updates regarding their transition to a DAO. In the meantime, focusing on other potential trading opportunities or exploring further into Velas' partnerships and updates might be prudent.

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