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Hi! What is the different between BTT and BTTC?

2 ответов

12 просмотров

BTT stands for BitTorrent token while BTTC stands for BitTorrent Chain. BTT is the token of BitTorrent Chain. Note: There is no token denominated BTTC, if you find some exchange naming BTT as BTTC is just an internal redenomination, but that's not quite right. Even in those exchanges you buy BTT even if they miscall it BTTC. Please pay attention to nomenclature to not fall in scams!

GLOSSARY BTTC - BitTorrent Chain, the network. BTT - BitTorrent Token, the coin. Official tokens: BTT TRC20 - BTT on TRON BTT BRC20 - BTT on BTTC BTT ERC20 - BTT on ETH BTT BEP20 - BTT on BSC Unofficial tokens: BTT BEP2 - BTT on Binance Beacon Chain /contract /othercontracts

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