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Greetings DeFiChain team, I am Arvan from Bitrue exchange. We

have listed $DFI on our platform. Therefore, we would love to connect with the team to discuss even further regarding partnerships, and if there are anything urgent related to the project we can resolve it immediately. We would also love to hear more information and updates about DeFiChain directly from the team. Who can I contact regarding this? I can verify my identity by DMing you using our official Twitter account or you can verify me on Bitrue verification web page by inserting my email (arvan@bitrue.com) and my Telegram (@arvanhal23). Thank you and have a nice day!

6 ответов

11 просмотров

Really? So Bitrue just listed DFI?

Zachary Chan
Really? So Bitrue just listed DFI?

It is listed for some time, more than a year

Zachary Chan
Really? So Bitrue just listed DFI?


I’ve DM’ed you @arvanhal23

I’ve DM’ed you @arvanhal23

I will have to just drop in a warning about DM-ing users and other members that it is at your own risk.

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