209 похожих чатов

What is wrong with you what are you telling ???

I swear I never did that I never stole any of your money

8 ответов

16 просмотров

Hi there, please beware before scammers. If you find any suspicious user who is trying to scam you, you can report it to @notoscam.

Roch-Pascal Автор вопроса
Happy to help!

Why can't I see the bundles in open sea. ??

Happy to help!

How can i fix it?

How can i fix it?

Hi there, please raise a ticket on our official Discord server so that the concerned team will assist you accordingly. You can join the official Discord server here: https://discord.gg/thesandboxgame.

Don ko Pakad o7
Why can't I see the bundles in open sea. ??

Hello there,  Could you please confirm which bundle you are concerned about?

Hello there,  Could you please confirm which bundl...

There use to be individual lands for sale. Then bundles. That means 3*3 lands for sale. Now I don't see any. Why is that ??

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