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So I've had my wallet backup hidden somewhere for a

long time, and today I made a transfer from kucoin to my defichain desktop wallet, but now when u restored with the wallet backup, my balance is still at 0, why?

10 ответов

7 просмотров

Hi! And how many adresses do you have in that wallet? Please remember that you can have several adresses in your wallet. Also, have you waited for the needed confirmations? Kukoin requires 100 confirmations before processing anything. Have you checked with the txid if the transaction was successfull? And lastly, have you used the proper network? Please note that to deposit in the blockchain, native DFI must be used, and kukoin supports native, but also ERC-20 DFI! Carefull when sending tokens from it, if you select the incorrect network, your tokens will be lost and indeed will never land in your wallet. You need to check all this in order to be sure of everything you did.


Diamond | TeamToken- Автор вопроса
DanieL BaptistA
Hi! And how many adresses do you have in that wall...

Okay, I can see it now, but it I'd deposited as utxo?

Diamond | TeamToken- Автор вопроса

Yes, had a bunch of them

Diamond | TeamToken
Okay, I can see it now, but it I'd deposited as ut...

If you send natuve DFI, yes, if you send ERC-20 DFI, no, it simply gets lost forever, as the blockchain does not know how to deal with that. For ERC-20 tokens you need an EVM compatible chain or at the very least, a wrapping service, like the one Bake.io for example makes, allowing ERC-20 tokens to be used inside the DeFiChain blockchain. If you send ERC-20 tokens directly from an exchange, they will get lost, exchanges do not wrap tokens.

Diamond | TeamToken- Автор вопроса
DanieL BaptistA
If you send natuve DFI, yes, if you send ERC-20 DF...

Okay can I withdraw the dfi utxo token out then

Diamond | TeamToken
Okay can I withdraw the dfi utxo token out then

What exactly do you mean? Withdraw what from where? Going to be honest with you, I see you here and in the masternodes channel comenting that you want to invest and own some masternodes. But looking at the channels, seems that you are missing some of the literature needed to fully understand what can and cannot be done. With all due respect, I just hope you are not wastinh your hard earned money. Up's and down's in the market make part of it, but mistakes can be easily avoided with proper research. On your point, native DFI handled by the wallets is UTXO based and converted into token everytime is withdrawn. Any exchange that has native DFI listed can receive it directly, as well as send it to your wallet. That's it. Any other token, even DFI, if in ERC-20 or any other form destined to be used by ither chains, need to be wrapped in a form that can be used inside the wallet. And for that, you need a service provider like for example Bake.io. This is basically the rule of thumb. So the questions remain as above. Did you selected the proper network when withdrawing from kukoin to your desktop wallet? Was the amoint of confirmations reached? Are you seeing the proper adress inside your wallet? You can try to run the command "listaccounts {}" and check how many adresses it returns on your wallet and it's holdings. Or ask in the masternodes, but a technically built question, in order to get the better approach on checking how many adresses you have and it's holdings

Diamond | TeamToken- Автор вопроса

Let me dm you for better understanding of my issue

Diamond | TeamToken- Автор вопроса
Diamond | TeamToken
Let me dm you for better understanding of my issue

No need to DM me, I have that locked. You can speak here in the channel, me or any other mod or community members will help 🙂

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