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@Jestagram now that you have built wharf SDKs are you

going to build the new account creation system to remove that friction once and for all ?
I mean the account creation on first transfer so that there is no more any account creation process. The users would just need to generate private/public keys like other blockchains and use anchor or any other wallet on EOS.

8 ответов

11 просмотров

Well - we’re not done yet, we still have a couple more weeks of work on educational materials and finishing up some of the last bits to tie everything together. After that though, we have ideas on what’s next, but haven’t made a final decision on what we’ll be starting as the new year rolls around. Our intention is to spend some time at the end of the year really nailing down what a 2024 roadmap looks like and where our focus will be. One need for 2024 is going to be building a project that actually generates revenue to sustain the team. BP rewards through 2024, unless things change, won’t allow us to keep our current pace at our current team size, so we will need to supplement that. That might be grants for things like easier account creation or further work on Wharf, or it might be some totally new for-profit project, or a mixture of the two. I certainly want to see the idea of account creation you mentioned, but it’s also worth mentioning that the project is going to be a bigger effort and more than just our team. We’ll need involvement of other teams if that project were to happen (like the ENF) to make sure it’s something supported ecosystem wide, potentially involvement from BPs to make it as trustless as possible, and proper security audits can be done to ensure it’s safe.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
Well - we’re not done yet, we still have a couple ...

Hey :) why you don't build it as a feature of anchor first. So Anchor would have this unique easy way to generate Accounts and you could also charge a small amount for Profit?

Hey :) why you don't build it as a feature of anch...

I never understood why anchor desktop doesn’t have the same account creation path as anchor mobile

I never understood why anchor desktop doesn’t have...

We use the in-app purchase flows to make it easy, and that just doesn’t exist on desktop. We could potentially just iframe in the create.anchor.link domain though and offer it. It still wouldn’t be as clean of an experience as mobile, because you’d have to type in all your personal information and not just use the appstore payment methods though.

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
Well - we’re not done yet, we still have a couple ...

Maybe such a project will be the steemit on EOS we talked about yesterday=)

Maybe such a project will be the steemit on EOS we...

I wish, but like we also talked about, I’m not sure there’s an appetite to fund that idea through grants and its certainly not something that’d generate revenue on its own 😅

Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
I wish, but like we also talked about, I’m not sur...

Why, because steemit and hive probably generate revenue..... Although I'm not sure.

Musozi- Автор вопроса
Aaron Cox (jesta) — Greymass
Well - we’re not done yet, we still have a couple ...

It would be great if ENF can fund your team to work on this project. User onboarding is very important after instant finalty it should be in the top priorities

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