210 похожих чатов

Is $Dor going to be an L0? and will $Ltx

be going forward? When I claim $Dag on Lattice it costs me nothing... Anything else!!! eth fee's are a rip most of the time and if the bull really returns 🙄 back to the crazy fees!

10 ответов

24 просмотра

Yes correct, $Dor will be a L0 token and $LTX in the future too - there will also be a Lattice HH this month ;)

Aido- Автор вопроса
H A N D S O M E Davis
How about $dag token sir?

$DAG is already a L0, the concept is similar like with ETH and ERC20 tokens ;)

Aido- Автор вопроса

End of November, the date will be announced in the coming days ;)

⚫️ Fabi
So next Wednesday ?

The date will be announced by the team in the coming days :)

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