212 похожих чатов

Anicet0 victimises me on discord by muting me , very

friendly , do they also do that when you go at the store? LOL

14 ответов

21 просмотр

keep this out of the general chat thanks. you can go here for appeals @pancakebanappeal

We respect the decisions of other admins, you have to sort it out with Anicet0

eclipss- Автор вопроса
At the end you victimise me for nothing


At the end you victimise me for nothing

Muting a user is not abusing of role...You have been muted for a reason

eclipss- Автор вопроса
Catü || I don't DM - Don't DM me ||
Muting a user is not abusing of role...You have be...

let it be i can say what i want here , go ask him and unmute me thanks chef

let it be i can say what i want here , go ask him ...

You were disrespectful towards Orlando. Your mute is correct

eclipss- Автор вопроса
he talks nonsens , liquidity = price

Attacking someone who gives you information is not good.

eclipss- Автор вопроса

read again and do your own judgement

eclipss- Автор вопроса

wooooow yeah i understand , thanks guys

read again and do your own judgement

Hi, as I told you on discord, please calm down, the idea is to have a healthy community, we don't want to fight, it's not necessary, but you insist

eclipss- Автор вопроса
go sleep dont talk to me , you do this by upset

str1ke 🥞 has permanently banned eclipss

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