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The latest Demo can be found on our YouTube account and it was about 11000 TPS with 3 nodes ;)

Naxxios- Автор вопроса

nice thanks ill check it out

Naxxios- Автор вопроса
The latest Demo can be found on our YouTube accoun...

im a bit of a novice, is there a prediction on how many nodes will be running in the future? or is it how long is a piece of string type question?

nice thanks ill check it out

Hi @Naxxios I posted some things for you in the Lattice channel about swaps.

Naxxios- Автор вопроса
im a bit of a novice, is there a prediction on how...

Well its basically an up in the air type question. In most cases it takes three nodes to make a metagraph cluster. So 750K DAG locked up right there in the metagraph functionality. Then depends on priority need per metagraph for bandwidth. Its going to be quite a lot in the end. Easily 10K nodes at some point in the future. Currently around 500+ running now on IntegrationNet and Mainnet. I could see this going to a couple thousand very fast over 2024.

Naxxios- Автор вопроса
hgtp://$LTX Duchess | NEVER DM 1st
Well its basically an up in the air type question....

so with 11k TPS with 3 nodes, this will be astronomical when more and more nodes are functional??

so with 11k TPS with 3 nodes, this will be astrono...

Yes - the test devs performed proved one thing about this network and that is: The more nodes we add the faster it gets for throughput...multi layer consensus and timing the overall network consensus is what they are working on. Infinitely scalable is real here!


Using that as a basis, 30 nodes would be 110,000tps, etc

Naxxios- Автор вопроса
HGTP://$DAG-anaut 🧬 Admins never DM First
Using that as a basis, 30 nodes would be 110,000tp...

well i see a certain blockchaion have hit a similar number recently, this is the reason for my questions, as my original thoughts was that this would be able to pass that new record

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