210 похожих чатов

Guys can someone help me. I have swapped my egld

to usdt (eth) but now i cant swap it back or send it to another address because i have “insufficient funds”. Do i need to have eth in my wallet to do these transactions now?

10 ответов

32 просмотра

Advice. Stay here and receive all your answers here.. those who are going right now to dm you are all the scammers

Tommy-Shillby Автор вопроса

Hello, yes indeed: you need ETH to cover the tx fee for your erc20 tokens. If you want, you can buy some ETH directly in xPortal using the Swap function.

Samson Dan
Orie nio pe

guyyyy lol 😂

you must have eth for fee in your wallet …

Tommy-Shillby Автор вопроса
Tommy Shillby
Yeah most annoying wallet ever

Why is this the most annoying wallet ever?

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