210 похожих чатов

Hey i have a problem with my xportal wallet lately.

Once i get into send option, i choose to select a different token then egld and the list dessapear so fast i cant see anything. Also to unlink wallet doesnt work. I have reinstalled xportal app to be able to access a different wallet on the same device. I have restarted my device and still doesnt work. I have tryed to send tokens from tablet and diferent wallet and have the same issue. Does anyone else have same issue as me?

8 ответов

31 просмотр


Send me a DM as I check into it and remember I won’t PM you First.

Don't dm that scammer me ....

iOS or android?

Please report issue here https://t.me/xPortalApp If anyone messages you claiming to be an admin they're a scammer

sospira | BAXC 1875 ⚡️- Автор вопроса
sospira | BAXC 1875 ⚡️

Don't have any issues myself, what phone? Will report to devs too

sospira | BAXC 1875 ⚡️- Автор вопроса
Don't have any issues myself, what phone? Will rep...

Samsung galaxy s10 plus. Till today worked fine and without a reason started to have issues

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