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Hi guys, I have an issue with funds that I

transferred DUSD from Cake to the LW. According to Cake and the transaction on the LW app the full amount was transferred and it all went through. However the amount in the LW doesn't match with the amount transferred.

Can anyone help here?

9 ответов

25 просмотров

can you find the tx on defiscan.live?

Flo- Автор вопроса
yes, it went through.

does it also show the correct amount and your wallet?

Flo- Автор вопроса
does it also show the correct amount and your wall...

yes, everything is correct. the only thing that doesn't match is the deposit in the wallet it was transferred to. It is missing roughly 3k DUSD.

yes, everything is correct. the only thing that do...

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Flo- Автор вопроса
does it also show the correct amount and your wall...

sorry, found the issue. Vault Maxi was active 😉

What is the difference between those values?

Hagarraqui 🇵🇹
What is the difference between those values?

No difference, the user had vaultmaxi active and was leading to show an incorrect value :)

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