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14 ответов

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Hello! Anyone who's DMing or calling you right now is a scammer.

Even if they look like mods/admins (or even me) -- we will never DM you first

At this point in time, there aren't any direct NXRA-for-NXRA NXRA staking campaigns that are currently open. However, you *can* stake NXRA on Funders (https://fundrs.app), which earns you rABLT, a reputational token, and also (at scale) gets you access to DAO governance (see https://fundrs.app/funder/staking for more information on how this works). You can opt to stake NXRA on several chains (but you can also bridge NXRA or rABLT, too, if you need to end up with tokens on a specific chain). rALBT can't be sold or transferred, but you can use it to obtain opportunities to participate in Fundrs campaigns. Additionally, the DeFi Terminal offers some liquidity mining campaigns that use NXRA as one part of the pair. See https://defiterm.io/ for more information on that. If any future NXRA-for-NXRA campaigns are opened up, we'll post announcements, so keep an eye open here and on the Announcements channel, here: https://t.me/AllianceBlockAnn

Yoann 🇲🇫🦍- Автор вопроса
Yoann 🇲🇫🦍- Автор вопроса
Yoann 🇲🇫🦍
I already knows sir

Haha, Kat is not a ser 😊

Haha, Kat is not a ser 😊

LOL it's okay, it doesn't bother me. : )

Mickey Rock
Shouldn't. All admins are sers hahah

Well, I can't say I'm particularly fond of the masculine normative, but I understand that most people assume anyone involved in crypto is male, so I just deal with it. ; )

Kat | I will never PM you first
LOL it's okay, it doesn't bother me. : )

I almost mistook you to be a man until I checked your profile. No worries

Kat | I will never PM you first
Well, I can't say I'm particularly fond of the mas...

That was my point actually. Ser is not masculine in this case. It’s just a term. Could’ve been ma’am as well. But harder to right lol

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