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Plus when dive deep into LAW and whats legal is vs lawfull you find out that legal only applies to legal entities (corporations / the non living) Question is are you a corporation? Answer No your a man or woman, there for nothing without an agreement / contract applies to a man or woman, where they trick you is with your birth certificate/driver licence, All caps names like what's on your driver licence is a legal fiction / corporation there for not you, also person is a legal term and doesn't apply to a man or woman, you never see the words man woman or people in a legal document

Plus when dive deep into LAW and whats legal is vs...

I went down that path of study too but from my understanding that info doesn’t hold up in court well if you had to defend yourself. Better to look into the code and use that in your argument. Challenge the authority for which they have none (no standing). Look up the definition of “Taxpayer” under USC 26 § 7701(a)(14) and it clearly says a “Person” which is under the same code under (a)(1) and it only applies to corporate entities. There is a maxim of law that state “a word is know by the company it keeps” (noscitur a sociis). The average American wage earner has no tax liability legally. It’s all a fraud perpetrated by the dip shits running the corporation acting as a governmental service provider. Source: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/26/7701

Fuck It's Really Satan! Don't tell, don't say shit, and if they ask... "I lost it all on some exchange" End of story!

Fuck It's Really Satan! Don't tell, don't say shit...

"I sent my whole amount to a wrong adress and it's gone"

Jay | Scammers piss off!
I went down that path of study too but from my und...

In my humble opinion all of this man made law bullshit is irrelevant. They are greedy psychopaths who want to rob everyone... They just hide behind law text to hypnotize people. But there won't be any escape from pointing things out as they are. Taxation is theft and no one has the moral obligation to pay anyone anything under the threat of violence. And the better of a job we do in evanding to feed the cancer the less the cancer will affect us

Shahin qortal.link/mugician
In my humble opinion all of this man made law bull...

I agree and it’s best to live you life in a way that the government doesn’t even know you exist… as much as possible anyway. But it’s also extremely hard and you’d still have to know how to sue people in their private capacity to become a porcupine to anyone attempting to come after you. I know it can be done but it’s not easy and takes a lot of study and then practice.

Jay | Scammers piss off!
I agree and it’s best to live you life in a way th...

Most governments are the problem. They say in the west you are free and when you travel to non western countries you see there’s lots more freedoms and less taxes over there. In Bolivia for example there was unlimited holy coca leaf and it pretty much costs nothing. Nobody will check you at the borders either because of the freedoms over there. So awesome. And over here in the crappy west tons of unnecessary airport security/checks and no holy coca leaf. Get your jabs and shut up.

El Comandante
Most governments are the problem. They say in the ...

Yeah exactly... Just saying the word freedom makes most people not pay any attention anymore... I lived in Mexico for some time and it is pretty similar.... You can live your life not being bothered... Only depending on central bank money makes you a slave there... But if you want to grow your food and live a simple life you can definitely do it

Shahin qortal.link/mugician
Yeah exactly... Just saying the word freedom makes...

Well, most people forgot what freedom is all about. Even I still keep learning new things about it. Yes, Mexico was pretty similar. The border was kinda chill too. Mexico had more Covid freedoms while Bolivia did not. Bolivia had more coca freedoms which Mexico did not. At some point I’ll probably move to Mexico too to live more free and stop feeding the western tax and corporate monster

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