210 похожих чатов

Why is there not a single article about Kadena on

the internet? The articles are from 2021. Bitcoin and many altcoins are skyrocketing and we are not moving. Things were different in 2021

4 ответов

25 просмотров


Mike Herron

Shhh... quiet now. Muted Kara Murat.

What articles are you referring to?

We just had an article get picked up yesterday across multiple outlets: https://www.acnnewswire.com/press-release/english/88366/kadena-launches- https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kadena-launches-newkadena-strategic-evolution-160000706.html https://www.newswire.com/news/kadena-launches-newkadena-a-strategic-evolution-of-the-kadena-brand-22200171

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