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Good morning Kadenians. Quick question here. Why would Koala wallet

generate new seeds and ask me to complete the process when I have already completed the setup and stored the seeds?
I've been using Ecko wallet for 2 years and recently tried Koala with a small transfer. But everything is now back to Ecko. Is Koala completely decentralized?

5 ответов

29 просмотров

Gm 💪

Iirc the setup of Koala Wallet, you will be able to use it without saving the seed phrase at first. Might this be the reason? Or did you reimport the seed phrase from earlier?

Arooo- Автор вопроса
Robin (will not DM first)
Iirc the setup of Koala Wallet, you will be able t...

Nope I set up the new wallet. And later completed the seeds process and stored them. Again I saw some kind of warning sign at the top saying, secure your wallet. When I tab there, it generates new seeds again 🤔

Nope I set up the new wallet. And later completed ...

But are the new words it generates different or the same as the previous ones?

Nope I set up the new wallet. And later completed ...

That's weird. Please reach out to Koala Wallet for support.

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