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Hello I’m new here. Where’s the best place to stake

and what are the rewards? Can this be done with Ledger? Thanks in advance.

5 ответов

12 просмотров

You can use ledger with the cosmos ledger app and the fetch.ai browser extension wallet. Not sure it's functioning 100% right now because there was recently a chain upgrade and a lot of validators haven't upgraded 🤦🏼‍♀️ #wallets

You can use ledger with the cosmos ledger app and ...

Wallets for $FET Fetch.ai is a blockchain built on top of the Cosmos SDK. Native FET can be stored and staked in the Fetch browser extension wallet, or on Leap or Cosmostation on mobile. For more on the Fetch wallet and how to stake, read here or see the video guide.

I'm using Cosmostation with ledger and i'm staking with @Galadrin since over 2 years without any problems. 💪🏼

Clive Staples- Автор вопроса
Clive Staples
What is the reward percentage?


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