209 похожих чатов

Thanks for the answer. Few more questions if any of

them could be answered I ll appreciate.

1. I remember Provide was heavily involved before and they decided to use Base ledger too. But now there is no mention of it on their site. What changed?

2. I know Concircle is still using Baseledger most probably. Do they also contribute to its development?

3. How many employees does Unibright have? I could only find very few on Linkedin. I mean full time employees

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Have you tried using the search feature? Those questions have all been asked before.

Provide is not a thing anymore, their ceo Kyle quit the company and they are no longer involved. Provide got sued by various people and investors, a lot of their employees left the company. Concircle are still Concircle, but they have launched a Blockchain focused company Industrious Consulting, that uses Unibright tech. https://ubc.services/

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