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Has anyone watched the following Monero Talk? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUk1nH52few They have admitted

a weakness of the ring technology right there. The time frame ~13min - 21:40

9 ответов

30 просмотров

What do they mean by full membership proofs?

Dude- Автор вопроса
No idea 😂

I think they are referring to ZK Proofs haha https://medium.com/@lucafra92/a-guide-to-zero-knowledge-proofs-f2ff9e5959a8

I think they are referring to ZK Proofs haha http...

First link that popped up when o searched membership proofs. Its mentioned 4 times in article. I'm not 100 on it if anyone can elaborate

No idea 😂

Found this video as well https://rumble.com/v30awui-full-chain-membership-proofs-for-monero-luke-parker.html

Dude- Автор вопроса
Found this video as well https://rumble.com/v30aw...

Just listened to this video about their new version of ZK proofs. It is not even close to what Pirate Chain has to offer.

What do they mean by full membership proofs?

It is everyones transaction mixing in with yours.

Found this video as well https://rumble.com/v30aw...

the best part of arrr is its a finished product. we dont need more changes to make it private

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