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Hello. I asked a couple of questions during the most

recent podcast. I was told by the host to contact the Fetch account in order to receive the access to Delta V. Who should I speak to?

4 ответов

18 просмотров

You can signup for it, if you haven't https://t.me/fetch_ai/501712

D-T Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
You can signup for it, if you haven't https://t....

Yes, I have signed up. I was told to contact the team directly so they would expedite my access

Yes, I have signed up. I was told to contact the t...

Invitation for access has commenced and early signups are already getting Invitations in their inboxes. If you are yet to get an invite, let me tag @Atari_buzzk1LL to see if it's possible to have one, since you already signup.

Hey there, provide me with your email in DMs, obviously I won't DM first though so please keep that in mind

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