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I have FET on Cosmostation. How can I send it

to ERC-20 adress?

15 ответов

12 просмотров

To swap Native FET to ERC20 FET, there are a good number of options, such as; - token bridge http://token-bridge.fetch.ai - if you use fetch.ai extension wallet (PC), it has an inbuilt bridge functionality - Binance allows you to deposit FET (on Mainnet, Ethereum network or BSC) and withdraw on any of the three networks - Rocketx (DEX) allows you to swap in-between the three networks

w!Cked.sL!m.- Автор вопроса
I can't use Binance. What is the most economic wa...

For swap from Native FET to ERC2O FET - Binance seems to be the cheapest, as you will be charged 17 FET tokens for withdrawal on ethereum network - I don't not know which is cheaper between the token bridge and Rocketx. On the token bridge, it's fixed, irrespective of the amount you are swapping and it is 50 FET. While on Rocketx, I am not sure of what you will be charged, but you can explore. At least before executing the swap, you would have seen the fee you will be charged.

w!Cked.sL!m.- Автор вопроса
w!Cked.sL!m.- Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
Yes, you can

I says that the the network must be fetchhub. On my cosmostation wallet there is Fetch mainnet. Are they the same?

w!Cked.sL!m.- Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
Yes, it's same

Ok. So once I get my FET mainnet on the fetchhub wallet, what's next? Sorry for dumb Q.

Ok. So once I get my FET mainnet on the fetchhub ...

You will see bridge on the landing page. Click on it. Then, there is an address bar to paste your receiving "Ethereum address" OR if you already have an Ethereum wallet created on the extension wallet, it will appear on it (directly under the address bar)

Thank you! How much will it cost me?

50 FET tokens in bridging from the mainnet to Ethereum network.

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