210 похожих чатов

Anyone know how to export the zelcore wallet and get

it into Ecko or any other kadena wallet?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

This is the step by step guide to import a KDA Zelcore account on Ecko-Wallet: 1 - Open Zelcore and click on Setting Bottom right (gear icon) 2 -Click on "Show Private key" and insert PIN 3 -Copy and save the private key 4- Open Ecko-Wallet and create a New Account 5- On Ecko-Wallet click the three dots next to the account name 6- Click on "Import Wallet" 7- Open Zelcore and copy the "K:Account" (the address) and paste it on Ecko-Wallet under "Account Name" 8- Select Chain 9- Paste the previous "Private Key" from Zelcore 10 - DONE

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