209 похожих чатов

Does everyone understand that we are not losing any USD

on this deal yet ?

2 ответов

6 просмотров

that's not the issue here.. fet outperformend agix

$$$ that's not the issue here, it's voting power. fet outperformend agix compared to the past, as someone else stated here earlier agix used to be 0.51$ on march 20, 2023 whilst fet was only like 0.40$. what if that ratio would be picked then at that moment in time and 1 agix = 1 asi instead.. now us agix holders would have way more asi tokens and therefor more voting power. i'm all for the merger but common, why pick the ratio after 1 of the 3 projects massively outperformed the other 2 projects. we get the short end of the stick in this regard.

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