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To use a crude metaphor, having a partnership is like

having a friend, whereas what we're doing via joining in the Superintelligence is more like getting married (OKOK it's a 3-way poly marriage but w/e this is 2024 right??).... When. married you do not actually fuse, you each have your own goals and interests and lives etc. etc., but you do share common incentives (among other things) in a way that friends generally don't, which helps a lot w/ building things together...

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13 просмотров

Synergy means increasing power and efficiency by coordinating, interacting and synergizing the performance of individuals and groups. In business, synergy is used in the concept of increasing coordination and synergy between different departments and members of the work group. In general, synergy in business means producing better and more effective results than the individual efforts of different people or departments. For example, when members of a work group work cooperatively and jointly to achieve a common goal, synergy occurs and group efficiency increases. Also, when different parts of the business work in cooperation and coordination to achieve the overall goals of the company, synergy is created and the efficiency and effectiveness of the business increases. In practice, to create synergy in the business, it is necessary for the members of the work group and different departments to coordinate with each other and work simultaneously to achieve the common goal. Also, to increase synergy in business, methods such as encouraging cooperation, effective communication, positive interaction, problem analysis and finding new solutions can be used. And it is a big focused evolution in the world of artificial intelligence to conquer success.. This integration is the same as synergy

Was a DAO structure ever considered? How do we approach the situation in 6 months when we want to grow the alliance, will there be another merger?

ben-goertzel Автор вопроса
Was a DAO structure ever considered? How do we ap...

There will indeed be a role for community vote/governance in the Superintelligence Alliance ... this will be addressed along w/ other stuff in the whitepaper / vision-doc for the Alliance that will be released in a few days..... Whether further tokenomic mergers could happen -- I mean we're open to the concept in principle but have no specific plan in mind right now...

Computing x (Purpose x Love) = Common Goods

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