209 похожих чатов

Is it still a taxable event if my Tokens automatically

get converted into $ASI while holding on an exchange?

8 ответов

19 просмотров
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still got no answer

still got no answer

You taking that methamphetamine again? You will receive your answer, I'm certain of it.

You should contact a crypto specialist tax consultant in your specific country. It depends from country to country

🐅- Автор вопроса

What jurisdiction you in - Bolivia? Texas? Hong Kong? But regardless, will you trust some rando named "gorki" or "moonboy" or "crypto4ever" if they answer you? No? So why ask?

🐅- Автор вопроса
What jurisdiction you in - Bolivia? Texas? Hong Ko...

I live in germany but anyways your are right

I live in germany but anyways your are right

I live in germany aswell and there are tons of crypto specialist in tax law

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