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Nothing really interesting in terms of financial return was delivered

by Snet. We were sold a marketplace with hundreds of services and thousands and thousands of Api calls, and in fact we financed research and development. Sorry if I'm taking a long time to digest, but it's still not digested. And what is there today? Nada, or almost nothing. The market wants tangible results and returns on investment. And so do we investors. So personally, the Agi talk is for very wealthy people, patrons of the arts, not for me. It's not our role to be bewitched by causes. We're small people. And as always, the sacrifices of noble causes. What's more, the Zarqa project seems to have melted in the sun and that seems to me to be another bad signal. "Fool me once, Shame on you... Fool me twice, Shame on me"

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Zarqa had trouble financing, the initial plan was to get the hardware in via Zarqa by raising $75m. But that didn’t materialise so this the new plan to acquire hardware

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