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Only holders who are staked can vote? If your tokens

are on an exchange you cant vote either?

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8 просмотров

It’s impossible to snapshot wallets on exchanges

Alex-Synergy Автор вопроса
Azulene | Will not DM first
It’s impossible to snapshot wallets on exchanges

I wonder how many people are unable to vote simply because they hold on exchanges and missed the snapshot. How is that fair?

Alex Synergy
I wonder how many people are unable to vote simply...

Exchanges are excluded in governance votes; it’s standard industry practice. Has nothing to do with fairness. Because of the nature of hot wallets etc. they cannot be snapshotted.

Azulene | Will not DM first
It’s impossible to snapshot wallets on exchanges

Can someone confirm if we holding agix on binance exchange is this tokens gonna be automatically convert to ASI?

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