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Hey hey fam! We've just announced an electrifying playtest dates

for Bubblewars, and we want YOU to be part of the action! Whether you're a seasoned web3 gamer or just curious about the buzz, mark your calendars for either April 12 or April 26 at 3 PM. This is your chance to play live and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of Bubblewars alongside fellow enthusiasts.

📍 Where? The rendezvous point is the Players-Live channel on our Bubblewars Discord server. Don't miss out: Join us on Discord

If you're curious about the gameplay and eager to learn the ropes, we've got you covered! A detailed tweet thread has been prepared just for you, breaking down everything you need to know to jump into the game. Check it out here for all the insights: 🧶👇

Join our Discord to engage with the team, chat with the community, and prepare for an unforgettable playtest. This is your chance to be at the forefront of web3 gaming innovation.

🎉 Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the world of Bubblewars. Let's make waves in the playtest - we can't wait to see you in the game!

1 ответов

6 просмотров

Who’s going to be participating in the Bubblewars play test? Would be great to have our community members participating in the action. Set up a reminder!

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