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Https://X.Com/1answers/Status/1780170433683194283?S=46 If you want to get ledger moving faster, raid this

and tag them

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Is it safe to keep coins on ledger?

Aleksander-@1Answers Автор вопроса
Is it safe to keep coins on ledger?

Its a cold storage? So yeah. It isnt the safest. But safe enough

Is it safe to keep coins on ledger?

99,9 yes but ledger has a new feature. You can store your passphrase in the ledger cloud. Your passphrase will encrypted, splitt and store. In case you lost your passphrase you rebuild it. Ledger confirm it is safe, but 100% is it only if you are the only one who knows the passphrase. There is a very small risk that some one make a hack on ledger and get all the parts from the splitting and the description algorithm

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