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Is terranode a hard folk? I’m assuming it’s not but

someone said that bsv not the original protocol bc it now has terranode?

6 ответов

10 просмотров

Teranode is a side chain on BSV

lol. no, Teranode is an implementation of BSV node that follows its protocol. You can build your own version of Teranode from scratch, or use the one BSV association builds.

Dima Danylevych
lol. no, Teranode is an implementation of BSV node...

And if you use BSV you won't have to pay licensing fees

In what way? Can you name a one thing that changed in the protocol?

What you wrote is either a lie, or twisted truth. 1) nothing stops you from adding data to a tx ( for example with OP_RETURN or OP_PUSHDATA). You can still have plain transactions, but adding some data helps to identify and process TX better. BTC doesn't do that because of lack of room in 1MB blocks. BSV doesn't have that problem. 2) BTC is small, so it can keep all of the transactions. BSV is large, a user doesn't need 99.9999%+ of other people's crap. That's what SubTrees are for. You only keep what you need. Again, can be done on BTC (without changing protocol), but no point in that with 1MB blocks. 3) Plain lie about Blocks. They are processed the same way as before, just split into chunks for parallel processing, and than combining into one. Can be done on BTC, but no point in that 4) and 5) are somewhat correct

What do you mean by 'data is not added with RETURN or PUSHDATA'? it's not added to blokchain directly, but added to a transaction, and transaction is written to blockchain.  again, what specifically added? where does it say 'transactions use a new extended format' and what in that changes protocol? I didn't see anything like that on any official source, so you either made it up, or copied from someone who made it up.

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