209 похожих чатов

I keep getting "an error occurred" when trying to unstake

on cardano can anyone help?

6 ответов

5 просмотров

Have you tried troubleshooting?

try clearing cache and system reset

imagineeringReality-;) Автор вопроса
Peter E | @peter_ce - always verify username
try clearing cache and system reset

Thanks.I deleted my cash and I'm about to do the transaction.But when I see how much tokens I have.My rewards have disappeared.It is only the original amount that I staked.It is saying I can understand or even have there even though I have been staking since the beginning of january. Do you know why?

imagineeringReality ;)
Thanks.I deleted my cash and I'm about to do the t...

hm pretty sure the rewards get included automatically, total stake is Confirmed stake + rewards

imagineeringReality-;) Автор вопроса
Peter E | @peter_ce - always verify username
try clearing cache and system reset

Thanks again I emailed that addy. What do you mean by system reset?

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