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Hi all. On the basis of the Solana events

today, how to check Elrond network sanity?

7 ответов

7 просмотров

You don't need to :D

L-R Автор вопроса

I'm hoping this is not a cult. Trust but verify. I would be very worried if there is no way for user to verify the Blockchain

Amen! I'm gonna create Church of Elrond!

Of course you can verify the blockchain explorer.elrond.com, Elrondscan.com

L-R Автор вопроса

This behavior... Oftentimes is not bad omen. Hopefully you are just a bigoted user....

L-R Автор вопроса

Thanks mate, appreciate.

You're welcome, you can also see the stats here growth.elrond.com

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