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Hi. I'm studying Elrond and I would like to ask

some questions:
1- Are the network fees fixed at 0.001 dol or 0.00005 EGLD? I found both information on the internet
2- How are Elrond smart contracts updatable? Shouldn't contracts be immutable? Or what they do is something like OpenZeppelin that makes a connection to a new updated contract?
3- What are the main programming languages for smart contracts? I looked at an article, would it be Rust, C and C++? Is there a way that makes it easier for Solidity developers to implement DApps on Elrond?
4- What exactly is this Maiar? A DEX/Launchpad or is it something more?
5- Are there already NFTs in Elrond?
6- What are the main DApps?
7- What are the main cold and hot wallets that have integration with native EGLD? I know about Ledger

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Hi @ocriptonauta 1) A simple transfer value operation with no extra data attached to the transaction costs 50000 gas units = 0.00005 eGLD. 2) Smart Contracts can be non-upgradable as well, it's up to the SC author. 3) Smart Contracts can be written in Rust, C, C++ or any language that can compile to WASM and 30% of the transaction fees goes to the SC author. 4) Maiar is a mobile app and I would say it is the best gateway for crypto & the elrond ecosystem. I recommend you to give it a try, it's super nice ;) 5) NFTs are live on mainnet and the Maiar NFT Marketplace is coming soon. Btw, NFTs on Elrond can be transferred with the same speed & throughput as the native EGLD and they have stronger personal & legal implications for ownership due to the nature of Elrond's smart account. 6 & 7. You can see all the current partners here: elrondpartners.com 8. 11 415 927 EGLD will be issued as staking rewards to reach the maximum total supply. The issuing will be made on a 10 years plan after which the total supply will theoretically be 31 415 927 EGLD. The mentioned total supply is theoretical and will actually not be reached because of the mechanism that was implemented to use 90% of the transaction fees to diminish the inflation. The other 10% are sent by the same mechanism to Elrond protocol treasury for the protocol’s further development. All the above considered, the maximum total supply is reduced with every transaction on the network. The difference between total supply and circ. supply comes from team vested tokens.

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

Thanks for all the answers. I'm going to continue my studies, I'm preparing a presentation for one of the biggest crypto channels in Brazil and I want the presentation to be faithful. By the way, I really liked the two Elrond explorers, very transparent. If new doubts arise, I'll come back here.

For nr. 3 - could someone make an open source SC and get that 30%? (avoiding being cloned)

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

2) When the author of an SC update it, he will modify the SC itself or make a newer version? Would the investor's money from a DeFi app be automatically migrated to the upgraded or would it stay in the previous version? What prevents the author from making a rugpull during an update?

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