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Can someone tell me where is this 'Elrond Terminal" Guy

from Coin Bureau talked about? (I can't send image here but it allows us to check addresses distribution)

21 ответов

6 просмотров

Just ignore the coin bureau guy that's all i can say

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

I always double / thrice check what someone says, including the team and it would be no different with him. But I need to know where this Terminal is to get to if the distribution of tokens is fair or concentrated in the hands of a few whales.

Okay dyor, but i never heard a terminal thing

Well... Guess you could easy get that overlook in the app of how many procent is holding how much ...

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

I saw it on growth(.)elrond.com/#awareness

have you tried: https://www.elrondscan.com/accounts ?

have you tried ElrondScan?

You can see the distribution on Elrondscan.com under accounts

Hello, I looked in the list and I'm not there. But i was from the first ones that reported bugs on day one. Is this a mistake?

You mean for battle of yields?


Yes, i was accepted

Tag @SeverMM in @MaiarExchange or send him your address and he will take a look

Coin Bureau was a scoundrel regarding the "whales". He presented even the address having 11-12 M EGLDs as a whale, even if in his own screenshot there was a special symbol that marked it as a SC (the one used by all of us for staking). Then, the exchanges were also included in the "whales" list by him, even if the same situation happens for all other coins. He is a full-time crypto-man, it can't be a mistake. He probably wanted to be sponsored and someone didn't want to ... then he decided to badmouth.

Thiago Rocha - O Criptonaᕫta- Автор вопроса

Yes, I know. He does a good research but still make mistakes sometimes (purposefully or not)

Andrei X X
Coin Bureau was a scoundrel regarding the "whales"...

How can any individual entity's wallet have 11-12M EGLD? The max ever is only 31.4M Might that be the Elrond project's stash of as yet uncirculated EGLD?

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