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@Tanyanexo @pnexo @JesurNexo @S_Nexo wen burn? 🔥

9 ответов

5 просмотров

There is no burn. We do buy back

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса

I think it may need to be revisited or increased, Celsius is outdoing Nexo this week with their new plan to burn 10% of weekly earnings. Their token is up 25% while Nexo is down 33% since June!

Lol..... It doesn't make sense to burn 10% of weekly earnings. I think Celsius is getting themselves in a huge mess. Probably going to get acquired by another company. Nexo, on the other hand, has solid business fundamentals. I'll go with Nexo all day!

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса

That's fine, but at least Celsius cares about their token holders and not just the company. Nexo doesn't seem to care about the token anymore ever since its not tied to the dividends anymore.

If you're not satisfied with what you're getting, you can unload your bags and move the Cel whatever their name is sitting on venture capitalists money

Ace 🔺- Автор вопроса

None of that matters to me, I don't make money of their platform. The token is what matters to me first. They care about CEL.

Who buys a UTILITY token with this mentality?

Who buys a UTILITY token with this mentality?

Someone with all the gear and no idea 😂

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