209 похожих чатов

Has the pallet issue with claiming SDN staking rewards been

fixed yet? Any timeline for when it will be?

This will affect investor confidence for crowdloans and how much $ Astar raises.

5 ответов

4 просмотра

See pinned message ☝️☝️ Rewards are being cumulated and will be available for everyone during ERA 10. Shiden want to reward our early dApp stakers, and decided to double the rewards during the first 10 ERA's.

See pinned message ☝️☝️ Rewards are being cumulat...

It will dump the price as the stalkers will be selling their rewards Prepare for that, holders 🙃😄

See pinned message ☝️☝️ Rewards are being cumulat...

I think we should ban price remarks in this group and create an unofficial group for price discussions etc.. Just like KILT, Moonbeam, etc.

I think we should ban price remarks in this group ...

We have one but most ppl here are banned from price group https://t.me/unofficialASTAR

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