209 похожих чатов

All the ones complaining about the distribution APR falling, do

you realise you can still get more yield by investing the loan in Anchor or some LP even if the APR goes negative?

5 ответов

24 просмотра
Jordi-Cano Автор вопроса

Nah, let them burn their bLUNA. The one's staying will get the rewards. 😏

Jordi Cano
Nah, let them burn their bLUNA. The one's staying ...

Well the more people that use the protocol the better. Imo. Gotta help each other out.

Jordi-Cano Автор вопроса
thebigfig 🍄
Well the more people that use the protocol the bet...

True, but some people don't see further than the APR and short term gains 🤷‍♂️

Jordi Cano
True, but some people don't see further than the A...

Unfortunately there's idle and lazy people everywhere wanting quick gains they invested 1k and next day saying when Lambo it's hard to be here in the early days but that's why the rewards are life changing. It's the 80/20 rule ain't it

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