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Over the 4 years I have held CPS and Velas,

VLX have been ahead of the game so many times, smart contracts before DOT, Cardano etc, currently the big thing is cross chain interoperability. Great, VLX is now ahead of the superstar SOL having EVM compatibility. However, yet again this wonderful lead is closing, as DOT becomes interoperable, we have wormholes, layer zero Etc. So, yet again VLX has a great lead, yet nobody knows. This lead will close soon, will VLX launch to a world audience? Because in 4 years, nobody has EVER asked me if I have heard of this amazing new project VELAS…. EVER. When will we hear utubers and observers talk about Velas please? When promotion outside conferences and the community? Will there ever be a serious marketing launch? If not now, when?

1 ответов

10 просмотров

Have you followed Velas community on all channels ?

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