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Also, wheres the best spot to find EGLD technical audits?

I'm digging in this rabbit hole of elrond but hitting a wall. Any help?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

Adam are you aware of WesleyBKress on Twitter ? He has put a ton of info out on EGLD. Not sure if he answers your technical questions directly but sure you’ll find something of interest

Adam-A Автор вопроса
Rich M
Adam are you aware of WesleyBKress on Twitter ? He...

I messaged him, hoping he answers! Ya I'm looking for legit technical audit works published by authors haha

if I remember correctly, in 2020 they had an audit round with "Trial of Bits" (which is auditing top tier companies - not just crypto related). maybe check it out - to find the reports.

Adam-A Автор вопроса

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