209 похожих чатов

Here we go again. What would they advertise? v3 app

is not out yet.

if you dont feel good, just sell and go away.

3 ответов

17 просмотров

They said months ago they were going to start campaigning. They said months ago they were going to publish roadmaps. They said months ago they were going to be transparent. None of this transpired. Saying ‘just sell and go away’ is such a hack response. We believe in the project still. We just want them to do better.

You want the team to do better so that you can sell your coins… you understand that is what you and all other say daily to the tel team and community. This extra FUD causes others to sell, price remains flat, you sit on deflating bags, then start the cycle all over again. Whining and crying like jake🦄🤡. So all those who complain are part of a problem contributing to others impatience. Either 1. be patient, 2. sell your holdings, OR 3. INVEST IN SOME LPs (to gain value daily). With the LPs you may actually have an argument as a true Telcoin investor. I have 3 LPs and they are glorious. If you are a coin holder/speculator looking to sell your bags for profit your words mean nothing , the team owes you nothing. You beg for transparency with the intention to sell your coins. You have no skin in the game. You chose to buy the coin.

Tony Stark
You want the team to do better so that you can sel...

Exactly what he said. And it needed to be said. TEL has done phenomenally well since Jan2021 - anyone who discounted it to that point, and then chased the green candles in May, then that was your choice (and not a great one btw), but one that makes it all the more important to sit tight and be patient now. Have faith...TEL's time will come - not on a timescale designed to satisfy short-term profiteering, but when the team feel they are ready to achieve their ultimate aim...

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