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Do you know if there are any bridges from other

networks to Elrond?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

The eth Bridge which Elrond is creating is almost here for swapping liquidity, at the moment there is an erc20 eGLD to native egld Bridge. When the other bridge is active then any ERC20, 721 (NFTs), 1155 (mix of FT, SFT, NFT) will be possible to transfer, not sure if all formats are starting right out of the gate. This means interoperability and many assets can be used on Elrond, as well as Elrond assets used else where, for example defi, NFTs. Partners such as Ardana for Ada, Polynetwork for btc and other assets will be in place, as well as XPnetwork which allows NFTs to flow between test networks of Elrond, Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Huobi ECO (HECO) Chain, and the XP Network on Polkadot, with Cardano, Solana, Avalanche, Algorand, and others soon to follow.

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