209 похожих чатов

Hi guys hope everyone is well. Is there any Avenue

I can buy cvx outside of eth? It must be on arbitrum surely?🙏 thanks I’m advance

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Don't think so unfortunately or not on any side chains with decent liquidity anyway

FraxTrain- Автор вопроса

gate.io this morning i just purchased usdt and got transfer via bsc to gate.io and bought CVX

FraxTrain- Автор вопроса
gate.io this morning i just purchased usdt and got...

Ohh nice that’s great advice thank you very much! Gate io is a centralised exchange right? Do I need kyc to register there? Is it a tough/complex path to establish presence on gate.io?

Ohh nice that’s great advice thank you very much! ...

i bought some today on there. liquidity is low but gate.io is legit. yes there is KYC to withdraw funds, but you can buy, sell, etc without KYC.

Ohh nice that’s great advice thank you very much! ...

No need to kyc to receive and send to external wallets

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