212 похожих чатов

Anyone else had instances where you though the slippage percentage

algorithm was taking advantage of you? I put through a trade and set it to 4%, just because I wanted to get it through, I checked the charts at the tiem of the trade and no significant swing, yet it gave me 40 less coins, (approx 120USD) which is quite a spread

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Liquidity must be very low for this to happen. Did you check how much liquidity is in the pool?

Ivan- Автор вопроса
no I didn't, it was (Moni) Monster infinite

I guess that’s also the reason why you need to adjust the slippage for the trade to go through. Be very careful on adjusting the slippage. This means you are willing to take less coins for the trade

Ivan- Автор вопроса
Charles Huang
Liquidity must be very low for this to happen. Did...

any idea if I can have someone look into this, pretty big spread? I understand I adjustet it, but seems the algorithm was being pretty aggresive as the amount of coins i received in the end was at much higher price point earlier in the day. Seems like it short changed me quite a lot

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