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So staking Luna is at around 3% and anchor protocol

is négative atm. Any other staking possibilities out there ?

12 ответов

8 просмотров

I don't think so. Even if borrow amount is negative you still can get a 19,5% on your borrowed amount + ANC rewards so it's still profitable

Jambon-Beurre Автор вопроса
Marco Widgetsmith
I don't think so. Even if borrow amount is negativ...

As of now, the apr from borrowing + redistribution is negative so i guess we dont get anc redistribution. So yeah only the 19.5% of 40% ltv max

Jambon Beurre
As of now, the apr from borrowing + redistribution...

I think that you haven't fully understood how Anchor Borrow works. You will always receive ANC rewards, but your borrowed amount increases more than the ANC you receive


What do you mean?

Jambon-Beurre Автор вопроса
Marco Widgetsmith
What do you mean?

Im not paying any interest even though the interest rate is negative. I dont have money in earn on that account.

Peter Pan

bro, awesome. Finally a way to change my bETH into UST without going on an exchange. bETH to PSI, PSI to UST, some loss but less then the damn gas cost to switch to Ethereum

Jambon-Beurre Автор вопроса
Marco Widgetsmith
Uh okay, nevermind I guess

Ok. Btw you still haven't repaid me from when i helped you last time. So yeah nevermind

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