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Just Staked and Locked all my MEX. Once its locked

its for a year correct? Also, do i have to come back periodically to Reinvest All in order for my Higher APY or is this done Automatically? Thanks!

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Pretty much but you should be aware that the returns will be very high initially. You may want to pay more attention in the first 8 weeks (blocks rewards are highest then) and in particular immediately after the launch.

Jay- Автор вопроса
Once locked its for a year Correct?

Yes if you choose to lock for a year they will unlock after 12months when we are deep in a bear market and altcoins are losing 80% to 90% of their value. Hence I locked very very small amount. I am adding more tomorrow but not locking any of it. Need to be ready to dump near top over the next few weeks. Then buy back in after price of MEX gets obliterated over the next year

Jay- Автор вопроса

Oh Damn. I just locked for year. But that's ok. I don't need the MEX rewards right now anyway. So when the time comes, oh boy. Plus locking allows me to help the greater good of MAIAR Dex, so I'm fine with that. Its a win win no matter what the strategy i guess.

Oh Damn. I just locked for year. But that's ok. I ...

It’s cool either way is good. I am supporting too. Once we bottom in about 12 to 18months I will be buying an ungodly amount of MEX and EGLD. In the mean time I am loading up and cashing out as we get near the peak of this run. If I sell then it drops 90% and I buy back in near the bottom I can support the ecosystem much better as I vastly multiply my stack 🍻

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