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Whats the freaking point when some people cant even connect

their wallet to do a swap ?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

It is entirely possible that is user error. I had no problem disconnecting, reconnecting and swapping

split your EGLD from the hardware wallet to the Maiar app, using wallet.elrond.com. Then you are ready with 2 swap account balances, in case one of them technically fails.

ceo of epo- Автор вопроса
It is entirely possible that is user error. I had ...

what user eror ? what could i posibly be doing wrong ? just following steps

ceo of epo
what user eror ? what could i posibly be doing wro...

I have no idea. The connecting of wallet is through wallet connect, did it with no issue. You then remain on wallet connect screen to sign the transactions. It was pretty easy

ceo of epo- Автор вопроса
I have no idea. The connecting of wallet is throug...

yes its supoer easy when its working right

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