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Does this channel have official support, anyone knows that?

13 ответов

7 просмотров

I think admin are tired to help, only scammers are ready to help 🙄

Jdan-I Автор вопроса
I think admin are tired to help, only scammers are...

Aha okay, so anyone that wants to participate just can't and that's fine?

Jdan I
Aha okay, so anyone that wants to participate just...

If i well understood, if you want to use pair egld usdc you have first to have at least 2500usd to convert them using the bridge

Jdan-I Автор вопроса
If i well understood, if you want to use pair egld...

No, that's not me... I just wanted to ask, if the kyc system is going to get fixed, so we can participate in the holoride ido on Maiar launchpad

If i well understood, if you want to use pair egld...

If you deposit egld and then exchange egld for usdc on maiar exchange that should work too?

Jdan-I Автор вопроса
Give me the link please

https://maiarlaunchpad.com/kyc-in-progress mhm?

Jdan-I Автор вопроса

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